Monday, September 21, 2015

Boosters In Zapata

MPB Boosters Meet Hawk Band Boosters

As usual, the MPB Boosters were on hand to help out with distribution 
of half-time meals, ice-chest duty, and clean-up.  Thanks to all boosters 
who take of their time to help out--it is really appreciated by the MPB and directors.
Of course, they always have time to spread the MPB goodwill by meeting and chatting with their counterparts.  It is amazing to see the immediate brotherhood and sisterhood that all band boosters share.  Each one, no matter what the school, is dedicated to the help and support their awesome student musicians, colorguard, dancers and band directors.

L to R Front: Cynthia Perales, Alex Oyervides (Presidential Apprentice), Isela Wells, Hawk Band Booster Back:  Christina Talamantez, Ruben Escamilla ( President)

L to R: Veronica Silva, Christina Talamantez, Andrea Oyervides, Alex Oyervides (Presidential Apprentice), Cynthia Perales

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, my name is Sam Juarez, La Feria Band Booster President. I need to contact your booster president regarding our upcoming game. I can be reached on my cell at (956) 491-5751. Thanks...
