Thursday, October 27, 2016

Parents Make "MPB Trunk or Treat" a Big Success!

MPB parents proved once again that they are simply the best!  On Thursday, MPB members were treated to an early Halloween "Trunk or Treat" in the band hall parking lot immediately after band practice. Parents went all out and decorated their vehicles, played Halloween music, dressed in costumes, and had plenty of snacks and goodies on hand to greet the MPB members who eagerly awaited with their treat baggies.

On behalf of the MPB members, the directors, and the boosters, thank you so much to all the parents who turned out to make this "MPB Trunk or Treat" a super-spooktacular success! MPB members truly appreciate the efforts to give them an early Halloween since they will be away for Area competition on Saturday, when Trick or Treat will be celebrated--this was a wonderful gesture. Last but not least, thank you to Principal Michelle Gonzalez for supporting this venture from the start.

Enjoy the Pics!


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